Soin visage gelée Hydrapaise Biotanie et graines de chanvre pour exfoliation

Amandine from Virgin loves Hydrapaise Jelly!

Purifying, nourishing and makeup remover: the jelly even becomes exfoliating thanks to a little tip from Amandine from Virgin Radio. She loves our jelly so much that she sent us her recipe. SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE, we wanted to share it with you.

Hydrapaise jelly: a 4 in 1 treatment!

Plum kernel delivers an oil with multiple properties, notably nourishing thanks to its richness in fatty acids. Hemp oil, which blends perfectly with plum almond oil, gives our jelly moisturizing and soothing properties.

Naturally a make-up remover, you won't be able to resist our Hydrapaise jelly , and neither will the waterproof one! 💦

Amandine, Virgin Radio host and Biotanie ambassador since our launch on Ulule, adopted our jelly and even found a 4th power in it thanks to our hemp seeds : an EXFOLIATING power. 😍

Exfoliating jelly: recipe and instructions for use

Hydrapaise jelly and organic hemp seeds BiotanieBiotanie organic hemp seeds and Hydrapaise jelly

Grind half a teaspoon of hemp seeds 🥄 in a blender or crush them with a pestle. 🥣
Add half a teaspoon of our Hydrapaise jelly.

Mixture of hemp seeds and Hydrapaise jellyAmandine Virgin Radio with Hydrapaise jelly

Mix the 2 ingredients in the palm of your hand.
Apply this new texture to your face, neck and body using light circular movements. 💆💆‍♂️
No need to scrub! Hemp seeds naturally exfoliate. 🌿

Hydrapaise organic hemp oilAmandine has soft skin thanks to Hydrapaise jelly!

Rinse, the jelly transforms into nourishing milk on contact with water.
Amandine completes the treatment with a few drops of our Hydrapaise serum oil . Now enjoy your soft skin. 🤗

Amandine carries out this experiment once a week. And you, do you have any cosmetic tips? Share them with us!

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