Le plastique, pas si fantastique.

Plastic, not so fantastic.

Have you ever noticed the amount of plastic around you? Observe carefully: plastic is everywhere; food and cosmetic containers, single-use items, various packaging, etc.

Plastic in figures

150 million tonnes is the estimated quantity of plastic waste already in the oceans; and this figure is only increasing. Every year, 6.5 to 8 million tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the sea. More concretely ? That’s 206 kilograms of plastic waste thrown away per second. By 2050 (just 31 years from now), the oceans could contain more plastic than fish; the estimated quantity would be more than 500 million tonnes of plastic dumped...

The myth and myth of recyclable plastic

According to a survey of 60 million consumers , published on March 8, 2018, only 26% of plastic packaging is recycled in France. When it says “recyclable” on your tube of cream, that doesn't mean that the great ecological promise behind it is kept. In 2016, only 720,000 tonnes of plastic waste produced were recycled, or around a third. This means that another 1,440,000 tonnes are wandering around in nature. It is sometimes impossible to sort or recycle certain plastic objects depending on the community; in these cases, they are burned if the community has an incinerator ; otherwise, they are buried in landfills (and your great-great-grandson will stumble over your famous tube of cream while trying to plant his carrots).

Two shocking pieces of information

Plastics take more than four centuries to degrade. Every piece of plastic you've ever seen in your life still exists .

What can we do to limit plastic, and overall waste?

It is a shame to think that on our personal level, we cannot act. Every gesture counts, even if it seems trivial to you. Your awareness and your actions are important; they can also help encourage people around you to monitor their consumption (virtuous circle). Turn to products packaged in materials other than plastic (glass, paper, etc.) Pay attention to unnecessary excess packaging (your famous tube of cream, itself packaged in a plastic-coated cardboard case?) Consume less, consume effectively : a conventional cream with chemical ingredients will never have as many virtues as an organic cream and you will have to apply much more to hope to benefit from its poor benefits.

And what is Biotanie doing to fight against plastic?

Every day in France, 317,000 specific facial treatments are sold. Most of them are packaged in plastic. At Biotanie , we make it a point of honor to develop the most ecological products possible , our pretty pots and bottles are made of glass and their lids are made of beech wood. Our containers have less than 5% recyclable plastic. This percentage corresponds to the plastic in contact with the product, inside the lid, following the regulations imposed by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM). We do not have overpackaged products. Just the essentials.

Ah! By the way. By the time you read this, approximately 24,720 kilos of plastic have been thrown into the sea. Enjoy your swim.

https://www.planetoscope.com/eau-oceans/96-dechets-plastiques-rejetes-dans-l-ocean.html http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/2016/01/25/01008-20160125ARTFIG00358 -in-2050-the-oceans-will-have-more-plastic-than-fish.php
https://www.60millions-mag.com/2018/03/08/recyclage-halte-au-greenwashing-11640 https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/nature-environnement/developpement-durable/recyclage-de-plastique -where-is-france_122563
https://www.planetoscope.com/hygiene-beaute/1101-ventes-de-cosmetiques-en-france.html https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/environnement/91-des-dechets-plastiques-ne-sont -not-recycled
Image: pixabay.com
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